Manchester city lost for the first time in the domestic league this season today after being beaten 3-2 at the Ethiad stadium by Crystal Palace. Likewise Chelsea, who were beaten by a lone goal to nil by 9th placed Leicester. The Blues defeat is their second of the current domestic league season.
As a result of the defeat to these two teams, Liverpool have now opened a four points lead at the top of the league table after putting two unreplied goals past Wolves yesterday.
Even Manchester United who sacked their coach, Jose Mourinho, won emphatically by five goals to one at Cardiff today and this has sparked reactions from football fans as they have been on social media reacting.
What they are saying:
Chelsea and City handing the league over to Liverpool? Christ.
— Big Daddy Gersh (@__gershom) December 22, 2018
chelsea and city lost😭😩 im so happy now we’re 4 points clear 😤🤩
— b00bsY (@chuuu_ma) December 22, 2018
Last week was United and Arsenal. Today it's Chelsea and City turn to have their own share of the L-Cake. I love the way the table turns around..😎😎😎#Chelei
— WARRI BOY (@Tentamin) December 22, 2018
Bro I want to cry right now Chelsea and City are killing me
— 🇿🇦THE BLACK GUY 🌍 (@black_mindlo) December 22, 2018
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