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Advice Column: My Pregnant Girlfriend Still Hangs Out With Her Former Husband with Whom She Has a Child

Saturday 3 March 2018

Image result for angry black woman shouting at man

I am presently in a relationship with a woman that has a child that’s 2yrs old for another man. I met this beautiful  lady in June 2016, with her baby and after I got to know her, she claimed she’s married but her marriage isn’t working and her family was never in support of the marriage and everyone blame her for getting married to the man.
From what she explained to me she got pregnant when dating, that was why she married him because she don’t want to have a baby outside wedlock. She said since she gave birth, the husband left her with his mother  in the village – And has refused to rent an apartment for them and the mother in-law do use insulting words on her,  and the marriage issue made her to stop schooling, she’s also finding it difficult taking care of her child.
Out of pity I was close to her and showing her care.  She promised she will was planning to dissolve her marriage in other to be with me. I started taking care of her and her child as if it was mine, along the line we got intimate and she got pregnant for me while she hasn’t desolve the other marriage like she promised.
Each time I talk to her about it, she claims she’s working on it.  She has been leaving with me for a year now with the child I’m taking care of his education.  I’m 31 and I want to settle down with her but her recent attitude changed of late, the husband calls her regularly and she always hiss when he’s the one calling whenever I’m around. Whenever I check her call records, I always find out she does have long conversations with the husband.  She is 2-months pregnant with my baby, she now often visit the husband where the husband do post their pictures on Facebook.
In the environment we live, she tells everyone I’m the husband. She now talks to me any how she feels like  – each time I tell her to do anything for me, she gives me excuses,  I’m fed up with her attitude and I really don’t know what to do and I really don’t know her plan.
With she being pregnant with my baby, what should I do?
 Hello readers, here’s the INFORMATION NIGERIA advice column, are you in a confusing situation that needs answers? then send it here: [email protected] and we would definitely fix you up.

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